Resource Sharing
Register for the Jeff Herman Virtual Resource Center (JHVRC)

The Jeff Herman Virtual Resource Center is designed to meet a wide variety of needs and interests by providing access to an array of selected resources in one location. Are you?
  • An LGBT person looking for a welcoming synagogue
  • The parent of a child or adolescent that may be LGBT
  • A congregation looking for educational programming on LGBT issues
  • A same gender couple looking for a marriage liturgy
  • An educator looking for biblical text to study relating to LGBT issues
  • A researcher exploring Judaism and gender diversity
If so, then we have information for you and would love to share our sources. Register for the Jeff Herman Virtual Resource Center (, explore its resources and give us feedback on your experience.

The Jeff Herman Virtual Resource Center is part of the Institute for Judaism and Sexual Orientation (IJSO) and supports the efforts of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion's students, faculty, administrators, alumni, the larger Jewish community, and the general public to study, learn and ultimately, become agents of change.

Contribute new Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Jewish Resources

Have you read about a great resource, know of curriculum, liturgy or organization you think would be helpful to others? Have you written something yourself? We would love to see it and hopefully be able to add it to our online resources. E-mail your resource suggestions to: Dr. Joel L. Kushner at